Saturday, January 26, 2013


Mind you, this is a restoration on the cheap (though this is a relative term), but... this I never expected.  Some background:  There is a very spirited competition among a handfull of companies for the attention of a very small number of Land Cruiser enthusiasts.  All have similar product offereings and suspensions are big on that list.  I decided to go with the one company that I thought was most dedicated to the brand and those enthusiasts: Specter Off-Road (SOR) in California.  They've been in this gig for 30 years or more.  So, when I finally got around to opening up the boxes of ancillary accessories (on the shelf for 18 months), I never expected to discover PAINTED shackles.  Yes, painted to match the very color of the yellow zinc chromate plating of  EVERY one of their competitors (read: corrosion prevention!).  Photos posted on the SOR site even appear to show plated shackles.  That is in every size EXCEPT for the ones included in my suspension kit!  Drats!  No recourse!  My pictures here show why painted shackles are a no-go.  I needed to spread the wings slightly so that they would fit over the hangers but in doing so,the paint simply cracked and fell off the RAW steel underneath.  What quality (and why not powder coat?)!  I bought replacements (plated, of course) from the competition and will post some pics after I get them installed.

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